10 Tips On How To Focus In Online Classes While Studying With Strangers

10 Tips On How To Focus In Online Classes While Studying With Strangers

Studying online with strangers can be scary. After all, the physicality of in-person classes presents a sense of community that can easily be lost online. This is because students rarely converse with each other during and after an online class. 

But online courses are a great option for those working full-time to still get the education they need to be competitive in the workforce. In fact, you can get the same education, often for reduced costs, and you can tailor your schedule to accommodate your demands at work. It can also be a great way to acquire an international education from the comfort of your home.

However, some aspects of online study aren’t ideal, such as difficulty focusing, especially when studying with strangers. Luckily, we have some great tips and strategies to help you focus on your online classes. So if you are looking for how to focus in online classes, read on. 

How To Focus On Online Classes In 2022 And Beyond

There are different strategies a student can use to stay focused and productive in an online class, such as being active in class. If you want to be more focused, you can further use a study timer and block out social media notifications. 

Want to know even more about how to stay focused during online classes? Keep reading this informative post. 

1. Block Notifications

Recent research shows that notifications, especially from social media, are a major distraction and a hindrance to focus and productivity. Students, especially those in a large class, might quickly check a notification when the teacher is focusing on another student. However, when you return to concentrating in class, the train of thought will have been broken. Getting that momentum back, reaching the same level of concentration – that takes time.

Turning off notifications before class begins is a great way to prevent distractions and focus on what the teacher is saying. You can also make it a habit to make the class a distraction-free zone and keep the phone in another room. That way, you won’t be tempted to check it. Other strategies for beating social media distractions include using a social media blocker and setting a schedule for checking social media. 

2. Make Your Study Environment Comfortable

Most probably, you will be sitting listening to a lecture for hours. In such a case, you need to optimize your space to feel the most comfortable. You can rearrange your desk and chair any way you want as long as it faces the space that you find least distracting. Overall, the best place to take your online classes should be where you can stay attentive, motivated, and focused for a long time.

3. Use Noise Cancelling Headphones

Staying focused is especially hard for students who do not have their own proper learning space to study at home. In such a case, it's best to wear noise cancelling headphones to block out external noise. That way, you won’t be distracted by your surroundings. This is another great tip on how to pay attention in online classes. 

4. Use A Productivity Timer

Can’t focus on online classes? While studying with strangers online via Zoom or any other app, use a productivity timer to stay focused. The trick is to set a certain time to study, then set a timed break so you know when to return to class. 

Once your timer goes off, you can chat with your classmates and take a break before it’s time to study again. For this to work, ensure everyone else in the class has the same designated study time. 

5. Be Active In Class

Studying with strangers can make you feel shy in class. But you have more to gain by being active. When you speak out when you don’t understand something, the teacher will explain, and you’ll comprehend the topic better. If you also take an interest in the lesson, you will remain focused. 

6. Take Handwritten Notes

Research shows that taking notes by hand allows you to remember the material better than typing those notes on a laptop. This is because we recall the words we write down by hand more accurately than by typing them. Furthermore, students who use laptops during class multitask an average of 17 minutes out of every 75-minute class period. This leads to distractions and a lack of focus. 
So, if you are looking for how to stay focused during online classes, try taking handwritten notes. 

7. Maintain a Good Routine

One key aspect of succeeding in online school is establishing a good routine. Start by setting a schedule that you can stick to since it provides structure and some sense of control. A routine allows clearer thinking and helps to focus on the specific class as you won’t have to multitask.

8. Have a Daily Checklist

Want to know how to focus on online school? Use a daily checklist to stay organized, boost focus and get everything done on time. The flexibility of online classes can create room for procrastination. But with a daily checklist, you will keep yourself accountable and ensure you don’t lag in class. 

9. Use the Pomodoro Technique

Being distracted comes at a high cost: it impacts productivity. As a result, online students learning with strangers should make it their mission to get better at focusing. And that’s where the Pomodoro technique comes in. 

The Pomodoro Technique's primary purpose is to improve your focus and flow while in class or studying. This technique helps you be aware of the time you have so that you can focus and be productive. Furthermore, the short break that acts as a reward increase motivation to learn. 

10. Have All Necessary Material Within Arms Reach

You can ensure you always have focused studying by always having everything you need during class. This removes the need to get up in the middle of a class and get something. As a result, you’ll stay focused throughout the lesson. 

Bottom Line

Engagement and focus are vital to the learning process but can be a challenge to online learning. This is because online classes are rife with distractions, including online notifications and other household or neighborhood distractions that cannot be controlled. As a result, students often want to know how to focus on online classes. 

Some of the things you can do in such a case are to turn off notifications before class, invest in good noise-canceling headphones, use a productivity timer, and create a comfy study space. You can also use the tips mentioned in this post to better concentrate and stay focused in your online classes.

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