25 Fun Things to Do in College That Won’t Get You Expelled

25 Fun Things to Do in College That Won’t Get You Expelled

As a college student, you probably have a list of things you need to do or accomplish before graduation. Yes, a big portion might involve studying, but there is more to college life than just doing homework and reading notes daily. Without doing fun things, you are more likely to have a repetitive schedule, and boredom will soon set in. 

But figuring out which fun things to do that won’t affect your studies or get you expelled can be hard. Luckily, we have done all the hard work for you. Here is a comprehensive list of fun things to do in college. 

1. Attend a formal college dance

While there are numerous fun activities  you can do while in college, attending a formal dance is something most people don't think about because they assume it’s for high schoolers. A formal dance is your chance to ditch the everyday jeans and t-shirt and wear something fancy like a suit or evening gown. The fun part is that you will get your picture taken, and you can use it to walk down memory lane.

2. Attend a sorority/fraternity party

A sorority or fraternity may not be your cup of tea, but it provides a great opportunity to network and hang out with like-minded peers. A party can also help break the daily monotony of learning. 

3. Go to a school sports event

Looking for fun things to do on campus? Do you love sports? Then if you didn't get a chance to be on the school team or even a cheerleader, show your solidarity by attending a sports event. The event allows you to get out of your comfort zone and make new friends. 

4. Binge watch a TV series in one day

Why not binge-watch a popular television show in a single day when you have more free time. If it has more than one season, you can bet with a friend to complete two seasons in a row. 

5. Complete an assignment in a few hours

You are more likely to have less fun and start worrying if your grades are below average. That is why it is essential to prioritize your studies to ensure you graduate on time with your friends. If you need help studying, reach out to our subject experts, who are available round the clock. 

6. Crash a party 

What should a college student do when they are not invited to a party? Crash the party. Don't allow the fact that you weren't invited to a fun party to stop you from going. So do a little research to know the dress code, dress the part and bring a gift for the security guard. When you do get in, start a conversation with the people invited to the party. You never know; by the end of the party, you might have connected with a few people who will be happy to invite you to upcoming events or parties.

7. Cook a meal for a friend

What better way to show off your culinary skills and have fun with friends than by cooking a hearty meal for them. This is a sure way to show your friends how easy it is to cook and eat healthy while in college. 

8. Host a karaoke party

How can you make college life more fun? Host a karaoke party. Even if you're not the next Celine Dion, singing along with a group of friends is fun. 

9. Eat at every dining option available on a college campus

Looking for things to do on campus? Try out different meals offered on campus. Instead of the usual food, go to an on-campus restaurant and try something from the menu you have never ordered.

10. Take a day trip

The great part about college is that you may not have classes every day. On such occasions, take a day trip to the nearest town and check out their tourist attractions. 

11. Get a tattoo

There will be many new experiences during college; if getting a tattoo doesn't scare you, add it to your bucket list. It can be quite thrilling and fun, and you will have something unique to remember about your college days.

12. Explore campus facilities

Getting out of bed during those days when you have no classes can seem upsetting. However, when you are free, it's the best time to explore all that the campus has to offer. This can involve checking out dining facilities or residence halls. 

13. Prank your roommate

Pranking someone is one of the best thing to in college. Pranking your roommate is fun and a way to unleash your creativity. Besides, there is a higher chance that your roommate will want revenge which works to break the daily routine. 

14. Pull an all-nighter

While it's not recommended to pull all-nighters frequently, doing it once in a while before the exam provides a fun way to catch up on your studies while enjoying warm cups of coffee late at night.

15. Go clubbing for three days straight

Won't it be fun if you could visit every pub or club located near your college campus? Besides, clubbing is a great way to enjoy loud music, and the answer for anyone asking how can you make college life more fun?

16. Have a game night with classmates

What do college student do when bored and have no money? Have a game night. All you need to have fun is access to specific games in mind, some alcohol, and willing participants.

17.  Try biking or hiking

When you need a fun time with nature and away from a bustling town, then biking or hiking is right up your alley. It's also a great way to exercise and rejuvenate. 

18. Talk to a subject expert

Be it someone who excels at writing resumes or a public speaker, talking to an expert is a fun and easy way to gain knowledge.

19. Go to a concert

Most colleges will have bands that come to perform in a concert. But if they don’t, look for concerts in towns or cities near the campus. 

20. Go to the Beach

Going to the beach is a fun way to spend weekends away from school and eliminate boredom. 

21. Do a DYI Project

What do college students do in their free time? Most do a craft project whereby you can give as little or more time as you want.

22. Check out your campus theater group

Do you want to watch a movie but don't want to do it in your dorm room? Check out your local theater group and find out if they have a play coming up. 

23. Play all board games

There is a high chance that you won't be able to play all the board games as there are so many. However, you can set a goal to play a couple every weekend; by the time you graduate, you will have played almost all of them. 

24. Play Video Games

You and your close friends or roommate can set up friendly competition and make the game even more fun by giving a prize to the winner. 

25. Browse Through YouTube

As a student, you are more likely to limit yourself on how many hours you spend on your screen. However, you can make one weekend a month a time not to limit your screen time and check out every funny video on YouTube.

Bottom Line

Adding these activities to your bucket list will ensure that your college life is not repetitive and boring. It's also a way to try something different without jeopardizing your studies. So have fun but make sure that your studies are your top priority. If you have difficulty understanding a specific subject, contact us, and our experts will craft content that makes the concept easier to comprehend.

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