Can You Get Kicked Out of College? 10 Major Mistakes That May Lead to an Expulsion

Can You Get Kicked Out of College? 10 Major Mistakes That May Lead to an Expulsion

Rules exist for young and older adults but mostly for young people who intend to break them. Thus, leading to a huge number of students being kicked out of university or college. In college, you face the risk of being dropped, especially if all you do is neglect the rules of any educational establishment you are in. Regardless of which college you attend, you can get expelled if all you do is break the rules. Most educational establishments have rules depending on the mission of the institution. Follow this article to find out what it is called when you're kicked out of college?

What GPA Will Get You Kicked Out of College?

Being a student is not as easy as it seems, especially if you have to keep your scores in check. Whenever a student's (GPA) grade point average cumulatively falls below 2.0, it is considered that the student has academic difficulty, leading to a warning, probation, and often expulsion. Academic dismissal happens after a low grade in one class or sometimes overall. Most known colleges have strict academic performance guidelines that have to be followed by the students. 

What Percent of Students Get Kicked Out of College?

 You might wonder how many students do not make it to graduation day? These and other questions linger in students' minds who did not complete their time in college, and there are a couple of reasons that will explain why. Based on a recent study in the USA, it has been found that the overall rate of dropout for undergraduates is 40%, while 30% of these are students dropping out before their sophomore year as a result of poor performance. When you get an opportunity to study, it is upon you to make the most out of it, as it will be worth your while.

Why Did You Get Kicked Out of College?

This is not a question that anyone will feel great being asked; some reasons might be embarrassing enough to say aloud, and some might be mistakes that cost them the chance to make a difference. However, there are questions that most students who are still in college would love to know, such as, can you get kicked out of college for cheating or can you get kicked out of college for plagiarism? 

Before we get ahead of ourselves, here are several reasons that can lead to dismissal or expulsion:

1. Cheating on assignments or exams

Being in school means you need to do the work. However, some students prefer using shortcuts to make good grades; while this offers a temporary solution to your challenge, it is not the best way as the repercussions tend to be heavy. Cheating means not working on your own, using the internet, or a fellow student's work; this leads to dismissal.

2. Giving false information either verbally or on paper knowingly.

What you might perceive as a white lie might cost you a chance at the college of your dreams; giving information that you know very well is a lie means you cannot be trusted to give any useful information. Trust is a very delicate matter. Once broken cannot be amended, do not make such a trivial mistake.

3. Plagiarism.

 Give credit where due; passing someone's work as your own is fraud not only to a college student but to anyone who worked hard to make the content while you take all the glory for their sweat. You are simply a thief, and no one wants one; this can lead to your dismissal. In case you find yourself in need of any writing help, consult with us at We have professional writers who work round the clock to make your dreams come true.

4. Illegal drug dealings on campus.

Possessing, selling, or using any illegal drugs around the college environment can get you expelled. Even the possession of drugs without prescriptions can land you in a problem. Do not take such things lightly; follow the school rules to the final day. Remember, abuse of drugs I not only dangerous but can harm the user and the people around. Take care of your health.

5. Drinking alcohol.

 Consumption of alcohol in school or dorm areas is prohibited in most colleges as it can cause impaired judgment, and students tend to forget that there is a limit. As a result, it is a rule not to drink within the school premises. Such behaviors can lead to dismissal.

6. Bad GPA/Grades

Going to college can be very nice since you get to do a lot of activities and discover yourself. However, the primary reason for attending college is to expand your knowledge by attending lectures and exams. Some students who focus more on extracurricular activities and ignore grades tend to have bad grades, which lead to warnings and sometimes dismissal if not corrected over time.

7. Possessing or using weapons.

Possessing weapons in any environment is not wise unless you are authorized to use them, especially in your job description. Nonetheless, in colleges having weapons such as knives, guns, or any other weapon that can harm anyone, yourself included, is strictly prohibited.

8. Having inappropriate relationships 

No one can dictate how love comes or with whom; however, dating your professor in an environment like college might not be the best idea. Not only will it affect your relationship with other students, but it can also affect how you relate with other professors and you’re learning in school.

9. Criminal offenses.

Offenses such as public indecency on or off-campus or any involvement with criminal activities that may paint the campus in a bad picture are not encouraged and lead to dismissal.

10. Disruptive behaviors in class.

 Any behavior that causes tension in class or anywhere on campus is not entertained, as it will affect you and may hinder other students from doing what they want to.

Being kicked out of college can be due to various reasons, as seen above. However, if you find yourself a victim, you might have a chance to appeal before the board of trustees, depending on the school's disciplinary process. You might get a chance of a formal hearing before the panel, which consists of students and the college employees, and the expulsion may be revoked.

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