How To Cram For An Online Test: Essential Tips Every Student Should Know

How To Cram For An Online Test: Essential Tips Every Student Should Know

Cramming for an online exam test is often not recommended. However, when you need to make up for lost time, cramming quickly can be your ticket to a good performance. What cramming does is load the information into short-term memory in time for an upcoming test. If you do it well, you will grasp and retain knowledge long enough to walk out of the exam with a smile. 

Do you want to know how to cram study for a test or online exam? If so, keep reading to learn essential tips to use to cram for all online tests successfully. Make sure to review these study secrets to maximize your cramming session. 

How To Cram Fast And Efficiently

Studying only the subject's core concepts and going offline are some of the strategies a student can use to maximize their cramming efforts. Studying in a nice quiet spot and removing all distractions are other approaches that can help you pass an online test. 

Do you want to know even more essential tips and tricks? Keep reading. 

Remove All Distractions

Research shows that both external and internal distractions make studying less ineffective. If you don’t remove yourself from distraction while cramming for exams, you will understand less and have difficulty recalling the information and applying the contexts. Juggling multiple things while studying also leads to distracted learning, which negatively impacts concentration. This poor study habit eventually results in poor performance on an online test. 

So before you start studying, remove all distractions, find a quiet spot and turn off all social media. Clear the clutter away from your study space and avoid cramming on a couch or bed since.
A study space that is too comfortable or associated with leisure could make you sleepy or distracted. Don’t be tempted to try something new, like studying in a different place; instead, play it safe and stick to what has always worked for you.

Set The Mood

If you don’t already have an area dedicated to studying, like a desk or a favorite chair, set one up quickly. Organize and tidy the space, then gather all the material you need to cram. This includes textbooks, pens, a snack, water, a laptop charger, writing pads or notebook, or any item that will make it easier to cram for an exam. Everything you need should be available within arm’s reach to ensure you make the best use of the time.

Turn On A Timer

Cramming fast while ensuring more information is cemented into long-term memory is about finding a good rhythm. It’s also about taking a mandatory break to avoid burnout. We recommend using the Pomodoro technique, whereby you set the timer to study for 25-50 minutes with no distractions. When the time is up, you take a 5-minute break, reset the timer and repeat the process. 

Focus On Key Details

The disadvantage of cramming is it has a limited shelf life since most of the information will be retained in short-term memory. So part of a successful cramming session is to focus on understanding the subject's basics, main ideas, key details, or core concepts. 

How do you cram last minute for a test? Focus on headings and subheadings, key people, important dates, equations, and underlined or bolded sections in a textbook. Don’t forget to review concepts from marked assignments, lecture material, and other source materials. 

Focus On Specific Topics

If you have been attending classes and completing assignments, you will have understood a big portion of the syllabus covered that term or semester. But how do you cram for a test in 24 hours? Make a list of topics you need to cover or those you didn’t understand properly. 

You can even test your memory by reading a subheading on a specific topic and see what you can remember about it. Having a list of topics you need to master fast limits the study material. As you learn each topic, cross it off on the list so that you can keep track of what you still need to cover. 

Use Simple Memorization Techniques

Part of a successful cramming session is to ensure the information is easier to recall. Some of the most recommended memorization techniques include:

  • Using memory devices
  • Reciting out aloud using your own words
  • Teaching someone else
  • Assigning meaningfulness to things

When you create logical connections with things you love, the information becomes strongly encoded in memory. Take a step further to boost the success of your online exams by having an active revision whereby you create summary sheets with notes analyzed and key ideas. 
That way, finding what you need minutes before the exam becomes easier. When you have existing notes, it minimizes test anxiety and helps you relax. 

Test Your Understanding

How do you cram for a test in 30 minutes? Visual elements are known to increase online learning comprehension. Visual explanations increase understanding as it makes complex information easier to understand.

However, the best way to be sure you have mastered the concepts is to test your understanding. This can be as simple as answering questions related to that topic or simply looking at a heading and jotting down all key details you can remember. 

Review Your Short Notes The Morning Before An Exam

Students often ask, “What should I do 30 minutes before an online exam?” Review what you have already studied to refresh your memory. This strategy also cements/reinforces the information in memory and prevents it from evaporating before the test. 

Don’t use the last few minutes to learn new material as it may cause you to panic, especially if you can’t understand the concepts. It’s better to spend the last minutes before a test reinforcing what you learned previously than cover more ground and forget it. 

Bottom Line

It’s important to know how to cram for an online test by using tricks and techniques such as using memorization techniques. Removing distractions, focusing on key details, and reviewing core concepts minutes before the online test make it easier to retain and recall the information. 

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